Adsense Pilot Free Download

Introducing Adsense Pilot, Script which will increase your Google Adsense revenue ...

Make friends and friends who do not understand confused what is "adsense pilot"
"Adsense pilot" the tricks, techniques, systems to accelerate adsense earnings.

How it works how ??
By utilizing the trap or traps in the form of "welcome banner" in pairs adsense on your website or blog. So when a visitor comes to a website or
our blog so welcome banner that will appears and certainly the visitor will be inclined click the close (x) if the visitor really want to read articles on our web. When it appeared the welcome banner adsense ads will automatically be on the close button (X). so if the visitor clicks
close (x) = adsense ad clicks. Welcome banner can include text eg "Welcome to my site", or in the form of image, and be a youtube video.

Welcome banner can be set when appearance by referrers (for which referrers can googling not know yet) Suppose we set up this way, "Welcome banner" do not want us show if the visitor comes from google google or other search website, then we simply enter in Userpanel disable referrers column on her.
The system is automatically set welcome banner will appear on the visitor one in 24 hours. so if the visitor already click close the welcome banner will not appear again until 24 hours.


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